Corporate Profile
Corporate Name | Tama Home Co., Ltd. |
Address | Headquarters:3-22-9 Tama Home Headquarters Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0074 TEL +81-(0)3-6408-1200 / FAX +81-(0)3-6408-1210 |
Founded | June 3, 1998 |
Capital | ¥4,310,140,000(as of May 31,2021) |
Business Domain | Construction, Architectural design, Real estate, and Insurance agency |
Registration |
Construction Business License No.:Minister of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism(TOKU-30) NO.19013 (HAN-30) NO.19013 Real Estate Transaction Business License: Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Minister License No. (4) 6857 |
Number of Employees |
3,319 (as of May 31,2021) |
Sales amount | 210,800 million yen (for FY2021) |
Banks of Account | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, the Nishi-Nippon City Bank, LTD, and MUFG Bank ,LTD. |
Organization Membership |
Keidanren, Promotional Council for Citizens to Realize a Comfortable and Fruitful lifestyle, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mokujukyo Association, and the Japan Association of Home Suppliers | Board Members |
Affiliates |