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Information on this website

Information on this website is provided for the purpose of supplying financial, business and other information about TamaHome, which does not guarantee in any way this information.

Furthermore, the information on this website is not provided for the purpose of soliciting investments. Investors are asked to reach decisions on their own before reaching investment decisions. Tama Home assumes no responsibility whatsoever concerning any losses or other damages associated with the information on this website.

Although TamaHome is dedicated to ensuring the quality of the information on this website, the company does not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, useful or reliable. Furthermore, TamaHome assumes no responsibility whatsoever for damages resulting from unauthorized data alterations by third parties, data downloads and other actions irrespective of the nature of these actions.

Forward-looking statements
Some information in this website contains forward-looking statements. TamaHome has written these statements based on currently available information as well as assumptions and judgments. These statements are not a guarantee concerning future performance and incorporate numerous risks and uncertainties. Consequently, actual results of operations and other aspects of performance may differ from these forward-looking statements due to changes in market conditions or other reasons.

This website has links and banners for viewing information on other websites. TamaHome provides no guarantee whatsoever concerning these other websites.

Website operation
TamaHome may suspend or terminate this website or make revisions to the contents of this website without prior notice.

In addition, there may be difficulty using this website properly due to a user’s Internet connection, computer or for some other reason. TamaHome assumes no responsibility for any damages, losses or other problems caused by this difficulty.